$42 a month

The Real Moms Tribe Founder

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The Real Moms Tribe Founder

Welcome to the Tribe,

Where balanced becomes a lifestyle.

You can have your cake and eat it too when you’re a mother.

  • You can have a tidy house 24/7
  • You can have a good routine that allows you to live more free while being in control
  • You can have all the money you desire and live abundantly

This isn’t a fairytale, it’s a lifestyle and the Tribe shows you how to obtain it on a consistent, lasting basis.

The Tribe is your community to connect, grow, learn and be committed to your process, while receiving the support you need to actually follow through.

From Surviving to Thriving - The Way

I know what hot mess means to mothers because I was THE hot mess, with a double shot of express.

I was reactive, always losing things, lived on caffeine to be somewhat coherent and constantly felt like I was trying to juggle the pieces of my life, although unsuccessfully.

I missed deadlines in my business, had kids who never slept well and didn’t even have time to have a conversation with my husband anymore.

But that all had to change for my security, sanity and success.

That’s why I created The Real Moms Tribe, your community, resource and support to learn how to balance your life and pursue something more.

I help stay-at-home moms maintain control, take ownership and pursue fulfillment within their lives.

Stepping into Balanced Boss Mode - The Why

Being a hot mess isn’t serving you or maybe you aren’t a hot mess anymore but feel like you need a little push and guidance to go even further.

That’s the journey I will be taking you on.

You’ve already begun your intentional transformation and now it’s time to take it a step further and make it a lifestyle.

  • Being a balanced boss means being a damn good mom and having time for you.
  • Being a balanced boss means being in control of your spaces, routine and finances.
  • Being a balanced boss means you know what you want out of this life and how to go about getting it.

And you will have an amazing community of women to lean on as you push forward in your journey.

Motherhood can be lonely, but in the Tribe, we change that.

And you have a chance to become a Founder and create a community that fits YOU.

Becoming a Lifestyle - The Deets

Every month the Tribe focuses on a theme and within that theme we will hit our 3 pillars of success: Maintaining tidiness in the home, achieving and keeping routine queen status and continuing on route to become financially free.

We have weekly check-ins and Lives to make sure you are staying relevant in your own life.

You will be given one simple objective during the week to hit on and ensure you are continuing in the right route for your success and wellbeing.

As mothers, I truly believe we can have our cake and eat it too, and within the community we work together to make this dream for you a lifestyle always.

No more reactive living, we are the boss of our days and we understand what it means to work smarter, not harder.

The three balancers are the backbone of creating your lasting success and to help take you from surviving to thriving.

Clarity and Consistency are QUEENS and the Tribe is there to ensure you maintain BOTH.

This is the last chance to gain access as a Founder.

Founder Benefits:

-You get two 1:1 meetings a year with me to discuss your growth strategies, goals and what you are needing from the Tribe

-Founder pricing

-Personalized Journey assessment to ensure the Tribe is growing with you

-Private Podcast Access

-Full Community Access and Support

-Tribe Quarterly parties

But first, you have to invest in yourself for your future.

In the Tribe, you shape the future but we will all go from surviving to thriving effectively, efficiently and completely.

You are grandfathered in and your monthly price will never change as long as you stay on board and continue to commit to yourself and your success.

Don’t worry, you can leave at any time, but the longer you stay, the more success you will see.

If you are more confident as a mother, you’ll be a better mother and raise more confident, intelligent and capable children. Shaping the future starts today with you and your commitment.

So join in the Tribe and see how to take yourself, your home, your life and your finances to the next level.

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Instant Access to the Tribe, a community towards making balanced boss a lifestyle.

Kick the Clutter
Routine Queen
Fit with Finances
Monthly Power Hours
Business Building Tools
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